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SUNDAY 27.10.2024
Nashville Pussy (US) + Jenkinses Rock'n roll / Hard Rock


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 + PRESALE : 15€ 
 + ENTRANCE : 15€ 
 + OPENING HOUR : 19:30 
 + ORGANIZER: Magasin 4 

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NASHVILLE PUSSY (US) (Hard Rock / Rock And Roll)
Lemmy personally blessed Nashville Pussy calling them “America’s last great Rock and Roll band”.…and Lemmy should know. Over the past couple of decades, Nashville Pussy preached its sleazy gospel alongside Motörhead in every rock outpost from Asia to Europe and back again.Raised on a diet of Marshall stacks, Gibson Guitars, Jack Daniels and weed, Nashville Pussy is the bastard offspring of foul mouthed demented hillbilly ice-cream man Blaine Cartwright and tractor driving, nude art school model guitar prodigy Ruyter Suys. Born deep in the Baptist Bible Belt of Kentucky – Blaine Cartwright used the Ramones and The New York Dolls to maintain sanity – meanwhile in Vancouver Canada, 8 year old hippie kid Ruyter Suys picked up her father’s guitar playing along with Led Zeppelin and Jimi Hendrix. “We got married on a dare after dropping acid, Nashville Pussy is our baby,” says Suys.
JENKINSES (BE) (Rock And Roll)
Jenkinses formèrent à Bruxelles en 2013 autour des guitares tranchantes de Juliette Drumel et JP Neligan (Nervous Shakes, Contingent), et se voit complété par le bassiste Vince D'Aguanno, vétéran de la première scène punk rock belge, et depuis 2021, par la frappe tourbillonante du batteur Reno Arents.La carte de visite des Jenkinses? Du Rock'n'Roll (à R majuscules) anglophone, à la fois tonitruant et sensible, cru et raffiné, caustique et doux. Un coup de poing américain dans un gant de velours. Energie punk, sensibilité pop, esprit rock, âme celtique. Du Rock'n'Roll, quoi. Singularisé par des compositions originales de qualité (bref, ce n'est pas que des riffs, bien qu'il y en ai!).Après 2 ep's auto produits (un 4 titres éponyme en 2014, suivi du très efficace "Langered" en 2017), l'année 2024 voit la publication vinyle du magistral album "Miracle Reasoning". 12 titres décapants, classieux et intemporels, faisant honneur à leurs racines de la vieille école, tout en étant incontestablement contemporain.Jenkinses formed in 2013 around the nucleus of duelling guitarists Juliette Drumel and James Neligan, with the mission statement of pumping the warm lifeblood of rock'n'roll into this cold, soundbite-driven world. The line-up is rounded out by bassist Vince D'Aguanno, a veteran of the first-wave Brussels punk-rock scene, and the whirlwind beat of drummer Reno Arents.The Jenkinses' calling card is A-grade rock'n'roll, played in the dancing-on-a-tightrope, edge-of-your-seat style, a wall of sound and melody that lurches precariously, without ever falling apart. Raw and refined. Caustic and sentimental. Brass knuckles in a velvet glove. High quality, hook-laden songcraft, melodies and lyrics. Jenkinses stand apart from the pack in every sense. After 2 self-produced e.p's (a self-titled effort in 2014, and the abrasive "Langered" in 2017), 2024 sees the vinyl release of the Jenkinses' full-length "Miracle Reasoning" LP, a timeless rock record that honours its old-school roots, while being unmistakeably of the present age. 