Newsletter : 
SUNDAY 20.10.2024
Greber (US) + Cell Press (CA) + KxDxG Sludge / Grind

 Greber and Cell Press are coming on tour in Europe ! This one is for Sludge, Grind and Noise lovers.

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 + PRESALE : 10€ 
 + ENTRANCE : 10€ 
 + OPENING HOUR : 19:30 
 + ORGANIZER: Magasin 4 

    » 22:00 Greber
    » 21:00 Cell Press
    » 20:00 KxDxG
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GREBER (US) (Sludge / Doom / Grind)
Henry Miller wrote one of the great truths of life when he said “All growth is a leap in the dark, a spontaneous unpremeditated act without the benefit of experience.”Such a quote could describe bass-and-drums duo Greber, save that with past and present members of Fuck the Facts and The Great Sabatini, they have a great wealth of experience to bring to the table. Inspired by the truly great bands like Neurosis and Propaghandi, but inspired not to slavishly imitate what they have already created, but to forge their own sound, to blaze new trails. To look out at the world that surrounds us and reflect what they see truthfully; as though holding up a mirror to the darkness in the hope of reflecting a glimmer of light.
CELL PRESS (CA) (Sludge / Noise / Grind)
Montreal-based band comprised of members who have done / are currently doing time in The Great Sabatini, Architect, Bleak, Swarm Of Spheres, Animal Ethics, The Chariot, Angles, Cruickshank, Biipiigwan, I Hate Sally, etc.
KXDXG (BE) (Grindcore)