Newsletter : 
FRIDAY 11.04.2025
Black Curse (US) + Concrete Winds (FI) + Abrahamic Liars Black Metal / Death Metal / Grindcore


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 + PRESALE : 15€ 
 + ENTRANCE : 15€ 
 + OPENING HOUR : 19:30 

 + Black Curse
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 + Concrete Winds
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 + Abrahamic Liars
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BLACK CURSE (US) (Death Metal / Black Metal)
Behold ye disciples of sepulchral darkness, with utmost pride Sepulchral Voice Records annunciate BLACK CURSE’ sophomore album, entitled "Burning in Celestial Poison", to be released internationally on the 25th of October 2024.
4 years have passed since "Endless Wound" left stigmatas on mankind, but be sure, the quartet will cut even deeper now. "Burning in Celestial Poison" is not only a statement and lesson in audio-violence, it is a 44 minutes long manifest of radical DEATH Metal causing mental lacerations and chaos!
CONCRETE WINDS (FI) (Death Metal / Black Metal)
Vorum is dead! CONCRETE WINDS is deadly!   After the outstanding Minialbum ‚Current Mouth‘, finnish VORUM ceased to exist. But the dead can not die for they are still hungry. Up from the ashes a new phoenix rose: Concrete Winds has released one of the most bestial recordings ever erupting from the far north by the name ‚Primitive Force‘.    25 minutes of pure blasphemy, sadism & dystopia. In spite of the utmost shredding, thundering and screaming, this album still has musical ambitions. Where ‚Current Mouth‘ ended, ‚Primitive Force‘ starts and drives every audial aspect to the maximum. On the other hand this release keeps every layout aspect to a minimum. Concrete Winds reduce everything to a lo fi, cut & paste undergroundish presentation. They set a statement and raise the middlefinger to a distraction shot from what is relevant. The pure magick of a Death Metal sound and gospel.   Some want to see the world burning, CONCRETE WINDS serves them a primitive torch.  
ABRAHAMIC LIARS (BE) (Death Metal / Black Metal)
What started as a mutual love for extreme escapism soon turned out to become a dark mission of facing demons and ultimate annihilation .
ABRAHAMIC LIARS is joined by an army of guests to complete their task of destruction.