Newsletter : 
SATURDAY 07.12.2024
Golpe (IT) + Gummo (FR) + Azijnpisser (NL) + Hetze + Travolta + Raw Peace + Dögmën + On Fire Punk hardcore / Power Violence / D-beat


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 + PRESALE : 15€ 
 + ENTRANCE : 15€ 
 + OPENING HOUR : 19:00 

 + Golpe
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 + Hetze
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 + Travolta
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 + Raw Peace
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 + Dögmën
 + On Fire
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GOLPE (IT) (Punk hardcore)
GUMMO (FR) (Grindcore)
AZIJNPISSER (NL) (Punk hardcore / D-beat)
HETZE (BE) (Punk)
TRAVØLTA from Heist-op-den-berg, Antwerp, Belgium is against RACISM, SEXISM and any other form of DISCRIMINATION since January 2015!   We play short, fast and loud and we will ALWAYS have our say!   Let's fucking dance.
RAW PEACE (BE) (Hardcore / Punk)
DÖGMËN (BE) (Punk hardcore)
Tout nouveau groupe punk hardcore avec des (ex) membres de Cocaine Piss, Pedigree, Thee Marvin Gays, Cere... Que du beau monde! Ils viennent de sortir un premier LP «Bitten by the hand» sur Dirty Slap Records. 
ON FIRE (BE) (Hardcore / Punk)
We are pure hardcore punk band from Brussel.